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Dr. Kynan Bridges
Stephen Powell and his wife Amanda lead “Lion of Light Ministries”, a ministry that stands for biblical truth in the midst of culture and is dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ with signs following.
Lion of Light Ministries is a ministry of signs, wonders, miracles, and healing. We believe the gospel should be presented with power. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for them that believe (Rom.1:16). Jesus and the disciples modeled supernatural ministry with signs that followed and confirmed the word they spoke
(John 10:38; Mark 16:20).
“Stephen Powell is a passionate prophet and revivalist who delivers anointed messages followed by manifestations of glory.
Ana Werner
Ana Werner and her husband Sam currently reside in Kansas City, Missouri. They have two precious kids that keeps them busy. Collectively they have ministered in over 13 different nations overseas. They were both called by God for missions and ministry at a young age.
Ana moves in the prophetic and healing gifts. She is a Seer and teaches on seeing in the Supernatural with Jesus in churches and arenas around the world. Ana is an inspiring author and speaker. Her transparency as she shares on the realities and experiences she has in heaven, always bring Holy Spirit and the power of God into the room when she speaks. Healing, signs and wonders follow her ministry.
She writes, “My deepest desire by sharing about Heaven is for people to grow more in love with Jesus, step into freedom, and live life to its fullest for Him! He is worth all our love! Intimacy with Him brings healing, healing brings freedom, and freedom brings joy!”
We invite you to come and enjoy wonderful worship music by an anointed worship team and freedom to let the Holy Spirit move throughout the conference.
We look forward to seeing you! Come and be blessed